Pfeil Pfeil Pfeil
, Lamech
(ber. 3122 v. Chr.-ber. 2345 v. Chr.)
Kipa (Kifar)
Namos (Mashamos)
Noah (Noach, Nuh)
(ber. 2940 v. Chr.-ber. 1990 v. Chr.)
Japheth (Yafith)
(ber. 2440 v. Chr.-)



1. Unbekannt

  • Gomer
  • Magog
  • Madai
  • Jawan (Javan)+
  • Tubal (Thubal)
  • Meschech (Mesech)
  • Tiras (Thiras)

Japheth (Yafith) 379,391,392

  • Geboren: berechnet 2440 v. Chr.
  • Ehe (1): Unbekannt

Aufzählungszeichen  Allgemeine Notizen:

1. Mose 5,32
Noah war 500 Jahre alt und zeugte Sem, Ham und Jafet.
1. Mose 10,2
Die Söhne Jafets sind diese: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Jawan, Tubal, Meschech und Tiras.

After the Flood
"Very briefly then, as we consider just afew of the names in the Japhetic list, we find that in the mythology of the old world, Japheth was regarded as the father of many peoples, particularly the Indo-European nations. The pagan Greeks perpetuated his name as Iapetos, the son of heaven and earth and again the father of many nations. We find his name in the vedas of India where it appears in Sanskrit as Pra-Japati, Father Japheth, who was deemed to be the sun and lord of creation, the source of life in other words for those descended from him. Later, the Romans were to perpetuate his name as that of Ju-Pater, Father Jove, later standardised to Jupiter. We shall see also that the early Irish Celts, the early Britons and other pagan European races traced the descent of their royal houses from Japheth, including the Saxons who knew him as Sceaf. And all these peoples, we must remember, were pagans whose knowledge or even awareness of the book of Genesis was non-existent."


Japheth heiratete.

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