Pfeil Pfeil Pfeil
(um 1828-um 1859)
BRAUN, Wilhelmina Elisabeth Gertraud
BYRNES, Patrick
CARMODY, Margaret
SCHILLING, George William
BYRNES, Margaret
SCHILLING, Margaret Wilhelmina



SCHILLING, Margaret Wilhelmina 229

  • Geboren: 28. Apr. 1883, Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA
  • Gestorben: 20. Dez. 1974, Bradenton, Manatee, Florida, USA im Alter von 91 Jahren
  • Bestattet: 23. Dez. 1974, Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida, Calvary

Aufzählungszeichen  Allgemeine Notizen:

Aunt "Mardy" died in Blake Memorial Hospital of which I was the Assn't Administrator. Died of an inoperable hernia of the uper bowel. 19th Century modesty kept this spinster from devulging to any one her ailment until it was too late.
Shannon Funeral Home of Bradenton transported Aunt Mardy to St. Cecelia's Catholic Church in Clearwater for a 9:00 funeral Mass.
Social Security No. 349-40-4613;1966 income was $2,250.00 from Illinois Teachers Penson and $106.50 interest. Paid $45.50 to Church, $213.10 property tax, $11.61 personal property tax. In 1968 penson was $25.00 more and propert tax increased $237.18.

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