HOLWEGER, John Herman
(1881-1950) |
HOLWEGER, John Herman 515
!J. H. Holweger, Native of City, Succumbs at 69. John Herman Holweger, 69, formerly of 722 W. North Street, died at 12:50 p.m. Saturday in Rickly Memorial Hospital of the Ohio Masonic Home. A native of Springfield, Mr. Holweger was born July 5, 1881, a son of George and Louise Holweger. His occupation was a wood pattern maker. Except for eight years at Richmond, Ind., he resided here all his life. Mr. Holweger was a member of St. Andrew's Lodge No. 619, F. and A. M., and St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Springfield. He was also a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite at Indianapolis, Ind., and the Pattern-Makers' Union at Richmond. He entered the Ohio Masonic home on June 28, 1950. Surviving are his wife, Rena B. Holweger; two sisters, Mrs. Clara Husted and Mrs. Kate Kitchen, and a stepson, Theodore Hiestand, all of Springfield. The body was taken to Richards Memorial Home. From the Sunday October 15, 1950 Springfield NEWS-SUN. ![]() John heiratete Rena Bell HIESTAND, Tochter von Henry Bird HIESTAND und Lavina MEESE, nach 1900 in Ohio. (Rena Bell HIESTAND wurde geboren am 8. Jan. 1883 in Hiestand, Ohio, USA, starb am 15. Jul. 1971 in Springfield, Ohio, USA und wurde bestattet am 17. Jul. 1971 in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens, Springfield, Ohio, USA.) |
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