KEYSER, William Franklin
KEYSER, William Franklin 380
William served during the Spanish-American War and World War I. During WWI he served with HQ CO 7 FA of the 1st Division as the Band Sgt. A photo of him in 1919 taken in Germany is in the scrapbook. He later served at Ft. Sam Houston and retired from the Army there and stayed in San Antonio. He is buried at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery next to his wife Anna Laura. I am still trying to verify his birth location. His obituary mentioned a brother Calvin and I have now located proof of a Calvin Keyser that had died in 1968 and was buried in West Chester, PA just outside of Philadelphia. ![]() William heiratete Anna Laura GARDNER, Tochter von Louis G. GARDNER und Bertha Martha ALTHAUS, um 1911 in Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, USA. (Anna Laura GARDNER wurde geboren am 29. Sep. 1888 in Fredericksburg, Gilliespie Co., Texas, USA und starb am 21. Mai 1968 in San Antonia, Bexar Co., Texas, USA.) |
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