JONES, Wyatt Jasper 229
Died at 12:15 PM Oct 31, 1946 at Jackson TN. in the home of his nephew Roy Rushing. Roy's wife Venna Mae was present. His Aorta Annurism ruptured. He had it for several years. The next year surgery to corrct such was began. His remains were brought to Chicago Ill. where they was amemorial service held at a Funeral Home on Devon Ave. My brothers and I rented a truck and transported all the flowers out to Aunt Margaret Schilling home in Freeport Ill. The casket was on view in the baywindow of the living room, the same place Dad and Mother were married. ![]() Wyatt heiratete Hilda Marie SCHILLING, Tochter von George William SCHILLING und Margaret BYRNES, am 15. Okt. 1912 in Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA. (Hilda Marie SCHILLING wurde geboren am 10. März 1891 in Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA, starb am 4. März 1979 in Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida, USA und wurde bestattet am 7. März 1979 in Calvary Cemetery, Pinellas, Florida, USA.) |
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